What Is Desktop.INI?
Have you ever wondered why these files keep… spawning like flies? What are they even good for? I will explain the not-so-secrets behind desktop.ini.
Desktop.ini reference site:
0:00 – Introduction
0:17 – What are .ini files?
0:48 – What are desktop.ini files for?
1:54 – Why are there two of them on the desktop?
2:15 – Remarks
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#lookinside #desktopini #flytech
Tag: .shellclassinfo localizedresourcename=@ systemroot system32 shell32.dll -21787, windows, pc, tutorial, new, good, easy, desktop.ini, desktop.ini files, 2 desktop.ini, why 2 desktop.ini, why two desktop.ini, desktop.ini explained, what is desktop.ini, what is ini, ini files, ini desktop, ini desktop multiple, purpose of ini, purpose of desktop ini, hidden files on desktop, desktop ini in folder, desktop ini what is that, desktop ini files
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